Tuesday, October 5, 2010

what a year

About a year ago I thought I was going to absolutly die. But not because something I did....it was the way the media portrayed my story. If you have read my "information about me" on the blog....you will see why. When the facts came out when my court date arrived, I was found not guilty of ANY sexual crimes. It would have been a nightmare, but I knew all along I wouldn't be convicted of such a crime. Did I handle a situation poorly? Yes. A young boy had a crush on me and instead of telling another adult, I tried to handle it on my own as it was a severe crush by speaking to him in person. I got afraid. It was a stupid decision of a 20 something year old women. But not once did I commit the act of sex. Did I commit the offense of a sexual crime? NOT EVEN CLOSE AND NOOOO WAY....this is because I did NOT do what the media said or portrayed me of doing.....all the indications of the media pointed to something a lot more sinister and shady then what was involved. As soon as the facts came out, it was clear the media had not only exaggerated, but outright lied in most scenerios. Hence, the reason why I was found not guilty of any sexual crime. Sadly, the media posted stories all over and people who had never met me or heard of me were able to post mean things about me publically. It was a form of adult bullying. In school, they teach kids to not call names and judge...especially when we do not know someone's real situation. However, many people failed miserably in this case. Before my incident, I had no idea how much the media blows things out of proportion all for a massive profit gain! In the end, the media profited by reporting about me. As soon as they learned there was no sex conviction and my story was no longer juicy...they dropped it like a hot potato. I am convinced however, that if I was found guilty of a sex crime, I would have been blasted all over the media again. Instead, my verdict wasn't entertaining anymore. The media was content to leave me branded as something I was not. I have had to fight a difficult battle just to get over what the media reported in 5 minutes worth of stories. I ask you who is worse in this situation? My dumb decision or the media? I am remorseful everyday for trying to handle a kids crush on my own...however, my intentions were never ones of bad intention. The media however, did not care what effect their false stories would have on me? They had no problem with posting a horrible mugshot taken of me and writing in bold letter underneath it DRUNK TEACHER FOUND FOUND WITH KID. In the mugshot however, I was not at all drunk. (Again this is why I was not charged witha drunk charge either) I was crying, it was 2 a.m, my eyes were swollen and the Fairfax county police officers thought it was funny to ask me "where I was when they were 15." They called me names and teased me instead of remaining professional. When I began crying, they teased me more. At that point, thats when the horrific mugshot was taken and posted all over. Thats when the story the media created began! Let me stress again, that I made a poor decision by speaking to a kid that late at night and trying to handle a kids crush on my own....however, I will stand by the fact that I was not involved in a sexual relationship. Hence, why I was found not guilty of a sex crime. On a more enlarged story.....I think of Tiger Woods and his wife Elin. Of course, its bad what Tiger did and I do not condone it. But....Do we really need to know about all the mistresses Tiger had??? Is it really going to effect my day in anyway? Are we even thinking of what these public news stories were doing to his wife and children? No. We don't ...it all about the money the media will make. It's all about other people enjoying others personal misfortunes. Its sad. As a society we say we are much more advanced then people were in the middle ages when people were tarred and feathured publically. But are we really? Nowadays, we can just point and click, lie and post mean comments behind a computer screen online. Adults think its not bullying...but it is. The best part is that nowadays, reporters and tv people are able to profit of it and they couldnt care less about what their stories are doing to other lives. At least the guy that got tarred and feathered in the middle ages could go home and take a bath...the tar would be washed off.......today, hurtful stories remain posted with the electronics we created. I'm not saying that technology is evil...but we need to be more responsible about what we report.

1 comment:

  1. Valerie: I am sorry to hear about your story, but I am not surprised by the media attacks. They're out to get a juicy story, and they'll make anything fit the narrative that sells.

    I'm old enough to remember the McMartin preschool case, where the media ran all kinds of sensational accounts of child sexual abuse. That was quite the juicy story, and many Americans were outraged. The story turned out to be total BS.

    As a former co-worker of yours, I wish you the best.
